PremiumSoft continued to grow their Navicat series with the release of Navicat for PostgreSQL on Windows in October 2005, and for Mac OS X in June 2006. The company then released two more versions of Navicat MySQL for Mac OS X and Linux in June and October 2003, respectively. You can also purchase it as a non-commercial license for US$599. Navicat Premium, which supports multiple server types connection, is now available at US$1,299 on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. The application designers did an amazing job. It is easy to navigate through the database schemas once connected.

It’s so intuitive that connecting to a remote or local database takes less than one minute. This was the first product to be made available to the general public. PremiumSoft released Navicat for MySQL Windows Version in March 2002. Microsoft SQL Server support was added in November 2010. This version added connectivity to the SQLite database, allowing Navicat Premium to connect to MySQL, Oracle, and PostgreSQL from one application. Version 9 of Navicat Premium was launched in April 2010. It can be used on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. Navicat Premium version supports cross-platform administration.